The plays at are FREE to produce non-commercially (e.g. student or civic productions for no revenue).
You should purchase plays from this page if your production has revenue (e.g. a YouTube production with ad-revenue or a performance that charges for admission). If you are just purchasing a play to read for yourself, you can also go to (
Frederick Douglass,
Norton I,
Patterson vs Reed).
For production, per the license, you should pay for a new copy of the play for each person involved (actors, directors, crew, assistants, etc.). Multiply the number of people involved by $3 USD for the total amount you should pay.
$3 x #people = TOTAL AMOUNT
If you aren't sure that a person is "involved" enough (e.g. he or she gave you a word of advice on the phone), just let your conscience be your guide. If your production has revenue of more than $1 million USD, congratulations; please pay 1% royalties to P Aaron Mitchell in a timely manner (
Once purchased (on your honor), printable and for-screen copies of each play can be downloaded here:
Frederick Douglass
Norton I
Patterson vs Reed
---STORIES OF THE SINALJUECA CARTEL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---TWISTED TALES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------